Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter 8: Appalachia and The Ozarks

The Appalachian Mountain's rugged landscape played a major role in the settlement history of the United States. Without the mountains acting as a barrier, the European settlement may have spread inland more thinly and more quickly. The Appalachians definitely define the North America's resource geography and chart on economic history and population distribution. 

The Appalachia and the Ozark are found in the following states: Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and it touches neighboring states as well. 
Although the Appalachia and Ozark's don't reach to Arizona, I can use this topic to talk a little about the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon can be found in Arizona. This phenomenal 277 mile long and 18 mile wide chasm was formed by the Colorado River.  This beauty took 3 to 6 million years to form,and erosion continues to change its contour. Although I have been to Arizona hundreds of times,sadly, I still have not made it to visit the Grand Canyon!


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