Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chapter 11: The Agricultural Core

 The agricultural core is defined by its aura of small-town, rural America. The cultural tones underlying it are strong and indisputably agrarian. The people are politically and socially conservative, independent and often friendly to strangers. Unlike Arizona, most of the agricultural core's residents are white descendants of waves of foreign-born migrants. Most people in Arizona are of white descendants but just not foreign. In Lake Havasu City specifically, there are mainly elder Caucasians. There is not as many people with diverse backgrounds in Arizona as there is in California.

Just like the people in the agricultural core, the people in Arizona are also politically and socially conservative, independent and often friendly to strangers. This is one of the main things that attract my fiance and I to Arizona.  California can be filled with stuck up people at times. It is nice to be around genuinely nice people who are laid bacck.

The agricultural core's landscape rolls gently with a few areas of flat or hilly terrain. The persistently rolling landscape permits good soil drainage and restricts swamps to small areas. Their soil falls into two basic groups- alfisols and mollisol. Alfisols form under conditions of moderate moisture and usually associated with coniferous or mixed forests. Mollisols are suited for grain production and are most fertile soil group in the agricultural core.

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